Lentilicious Sausage Patty

Surprisingly yummy!

Lentil Sausage Patties

1 cup lentils, soaked and cooked
3 cups quick oats, blended
1 carrot
1 Jersey sweet potato
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/4 onion, diced
olive oil
sea salt, pepper, fennel, paprika
*Use organic ingredients where possible

Cook the lentils with two or three bay leaves. While the lentils cook, place the oats in a food processor and process till a fine flour develops. Add the sea salt and spices to the oats and pulse once or twice.

Place a small frying pan on low heat and add olive oil. Add the garlic and stir. Once fragrant, add the onion and fry until the onion is translucent. Place the onion and garlic in the food processor with the oats.

Cut the carrot and Jersey sweet potato in large chunks. Bring a pot of water, with a pinch of salt, to a gentle boil. Place the carrot in the water and let it cook 2 to 3 minutes until soft. Do the same with the Jersey sweet potato placing it into the pot and boiling until soft. Place the carrot and sweet potato in the food processor with the oats and process.

Once the lentils are done, drain any remaining liquid and add the lentils to the food processor and pulse until combined with the oats, carrot, and sweet potato. The consistency should be thick enough to form a patty.

Place the mixture in a large bowl, form into patties, and fry on each side for about 3 to 4 minutes in an iron skillet with a little bit of oil. Serve on a bun or tortilla. Enjoy!

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